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Resources for Individuals

Help is available if you are struggling with an eating disorder or disordered eating. If you are experiencing a medical emergency call 911 or 988 for the Suicide & Crisis Lifeline.


  • ANAD offers treatment referrals, support and encouragement, and general questions about eating disorders. Call the free Eating Disorders Helpline at (888) 375-7767, Monday-Friday 6 AM to 6 PM AKST.



  • Careline Alaska offers free, immediate, and confidiential help. Call anytime, toll free statewide in Alaska 1-877-266-4357 (HELP) or text 4help to 839863 Tuesday-Saturday 3 PM to 11 PM AKST.


Support Groups​

AKEDA offers a free, confidential support group for adults ages 18 and over.


Alaska Peer-Led Support Group for individuals 18+ who are struggling with or recovering from an eating disorder. For more information, please contact Cassie at


Eating Recovery Center also provides support group information and resources,

as well as a directory of support groups by state. 



Finding Treatment​

Eating disorders are treatable and recovery is possible. Please check out our list

of local providers.​



Financial Resources

A few programs offer limited financial help for treatment and peer support.


WithAll is a nonprofit working with individuals and partners to empower eating

disorder prevention and increase support for recovery, providing simple and

accessible tools that help people act. Whether on proactive paths or in crisis

moments, they provide services and resources to help all create and recover



Project Heal believes that all people who struggle with food and body should

be able to get the support and care that they need to heal, regardless of age,

gender identity, race, ability, or financial means.

Support Group

Support for Men Struggling with an Eating Disorder


Despite the stereotype that eating disorders only occur in women, about one in three people struggling with an eating disorder is male, and subclinical eating disordered behaviors (including binge eating, purging, laxative abuse, and fasting for weight loss) are nearly as common among men as they are among women.​


In the United States alone, eating disorders will affect 10 million males at some point in their lives. But due in large part to cultural bias, they are much less likely to seek treatment for their eating disorder. The good news is that once a man finds help, they show similar responses to treatment as women.​


Learn More Here: National Alliance for Eating Disorders

Support for LGBTQIA+ and People of Color Struggling with an Eating Disorder


Eating disorders have historically been associated with straight, young, white females, but in reality, they affect people from all demographics and are not caused by any single factor. They arise from a combination of long-standing behavioral, biological, emotional, psychological, interpersonal, and social factors. 


Misconceptions about who eating disorders affect have real consequences, leading to fewer diagnoses, treatment options, and pathways to help for those who don’t fit the stereotype.


Understanding that eating disorders don’t discriminate is critical to making sure everyone has access to help and support. When it comes to identity and eating disorders, one’s experience should be understood within the broader cultural context of oppression."


"When It Comes To Race, Eating Disorders Don't Discriminate" podcast


“Latinas and Eating Disorders” podcast:


Come as You Are video, produced by NEDA and Instagram, showing five eating disorder recovery heroes.

Student in Library
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